1970 Columbia High Prom with The Allman Brother’s Band

promIn 1970 Dekalb County’s Columbia High School signed a contract for a local band some students said were amazing.  Soon after their live album ‘At Fillmore East’ made them super stars. The Allman Brothers showed their stuff and honored the contract to play their prom in the gym.  A prom to brag about for years. Dekalb Police had to call in Ga State troopers to help handle gate crashers. Mark (David) Chapman was a 9th grader; later he would gain infamy by killing John Lennon.

12 thoughts on “1970 Columbia High Prom with The Allman Brother’s Band

    1. There were no problems and I do not remember seeing the State Patrol at all. Was a Great show as I remember one of the Seniors knew one of the Allman Brother Band members. They were Awesome.

      1. I do not know who you are talking about, a senior knew one of the ABB. The Junior class of 1971 (my class), evaluated several bands but thankfully we selected the Allman Brothers. No senior was involved in the selection.

    2. No police, no troopers, no gate crashers, only “Odd Job” who pulled the plug, Geeez?!

    3. Me, too. I was part of the junior class committee at Columbia who organized that whole “prom” and I was also at the gig, and relatively unimpaired if I recall. There were a few hirsute and strangely dressed non-students scattered on the lawn outside the gym peacefully listening to the tunes waft out the windows, and there might’ve also been some other stuff wafting out there, but I don’t remember any gate crasher problems or state troopers. It was remarkably sedate except for some raving by our ex-drill sergeant vice principal (ignored by the very mellow stage hands) about Jai Johnny’s and Butch’s drum kits scuffing up the 8th grade mini-basketball court which was the deck of the stage. The whole thing was actually pretty incongruous and surreal with all the 16-18 year olds with bouffant hairdos, pastel chiffon prom dresses and weird tuxedos listening (and occasionally dancing awkwardly) to what was very untraditional (and very damn loud) prom music from these freaky dudes in tie-dyed wife beaters.

      1. Was this school near Avondale estates my brother Ken Howard was there and saw them play

  1. They also played at Lakeside High’s Graduation Dance. (1970)

    I didn’t go because I had seen them so many times for free down at Piedmont Park.

    (Plus, I had a room at Stone Mountain Inn reserved for a special night with a special girl)

  2. Love it I had seen them numerous times at Piedmont. Truly represented the south well when they toured. If Duane had lived. They would have been bigger than Led zepplin

  3. Jim Abbott and I got in because we knew one of the guys unloading equipment from the ABB Van …They changed in the boys dressing room…Some kids were losing it because they couldn’t dance to the music…

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