In the 1960s you could not ignore politics and it would not ignore you. Politics was VERY up close and personal. We were all the small bits in social revolutions such as Civil Rights and the Sexual Revolution which happened around us as daily life. We had spent our childhood hiding under our desks from nuclear attacks and standardizing the Standardized Test.
Then we were sold The Vietnam War nightly as we watched near real time invasions and killings, some of American young men. Historians are still uncovering the truths about America in the Vietnam War, but other than the bravery of American youth, it was built on a hill of lies the same as most large scale post-Korean War conflicts. We honor our fallen, but not the cause for which they were misled.
If male and turning 18 but not wealthy and well-connected, you felt the hot breath of THE DRAFT following you. Drove many a quick marriage, college sign-up, or trip abroad before it was abolished. Despite all its bad aspects the draft was an equalizer among all but the wealthiest, best connected young American men who fell to it and found themselves Vietnam bound. Now the military has fewer of the best and brightest from the top tax brackets and is publicized as the only hope for an education or a future if you are poor. But now it takes women and gays to combat, too.

This was Nixon’s cynical poster when he courted the youth vote as the anti-war hero. The first of his deceptions about his twisted purposes.
The Great Speckled Bird Feb 19, 1973 The question most asked about the he Massell interview is why Massell agreed to an interview with the Bird. We have never been very kind in the past, so one would think that he would know we would use whatever ... Backstreet was a dance club off Peachtree. It was a gay club but welcomed those exploring all freedoms. Remember oral sex in Georgia, even between a married couple, could land you in jail before 2003! Backstreet and later The Limelight both served as battlefields against Georgia’s antiquated laws on sex. Backstreet was where the music and ... PAGE 14A DeKALB NEW ERA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1972 Harrison Tells Why He Supports McGovern Two, prominent DeKatb County citizens – Clark Harrison and former Congressman James A. Mackay – have publicly endorsed the Presidential candidacy of Sen. George McGovern. In last week’s issue of the DeKalb News, Mr. Mackey, a Decatur attorney and former U.S. Congressman, emphasized ... Remember Nixon started his campaign as the anti-war youth candidate!!!?? Time magazine observed in October of 1969 that Atlanta’s power elite had declared The election started for Mayor of Atlanta and ... Lester was a racist buffoon, but remember Atlanta also had seriously evil and dangerous racists like J. B. Stoner, who ran for governor as the White People’s Party candidate and defended King’s assassin. Hard to laugh at such hatred, but drag queens suckcede on their 70s TV show. The Great Speckled Bird Vol 2 # 19 July 21, 1969 pg. 3 DON’T BE FORCED TO BUY-IF HE CAN GET HARD DRUGS HE CAN GET GRASS AND ACID- DEMAND AN ALTERNATIVE-IT’S YOUR LIFE- DON’T ... Atlanta and Environs: a chronicle of its people and events; years of change and challenge, 1940-1976 By Harold H. Martin Pg 481-483 1967 THE year 1966 was characterized by strikes that brought vast Atlanta construction projects to a temporary halt, by crime, by confrontations in the streets between civil rights advocates and defenders of the old patterns of racial ... The Great Speckled Bird vol. 2, #1 pg. 12 Southern Consciousness Tell about the South. What’s it like there. What do they do there. Why do they live there. Why do they live at all? You can’t understand it. You would have to be born there. -William Faulkner, Absalom, Absalom On Saturday March 15 the executive committee of ... Rights War & Peace Youth Movement
Vol. 6 #6 pg. 1
Interview with Sam MassellSegregation and Communism were the big scares for the tiny boxes people. Political demagogues wrapped themselves in the flag and their version of The Bible to defend their hatred, much as they have in 2013 with sexual variants. ...
“The Great Hippie Hunt”
war on hippies.
Smack Conspiracy