We were married 07/07/69 at the “Free Concert” in the park after the 1st Atlanta POP.
Schroeder & Renée

The Piedmont show which actually 2 or 3 days after, Tuesday I believe was the result of politics. According to the Great speckled Bird, “How could we charge $$$ for music … even $13.50 a day.” we had to do something to appease the social uproar over our commercialism. Spirit, CTA, and Delaney and Bonnie stuck around for room and board. And the Dead played for travel, rooms and beer. So yes I was very involved in it as well as the rest of the team.
I remember Pigpen cracking two cases of beer, neatly arranging them on the balustrade around the pavilion, and calmly dosing each one with premium Owsley Acid. Everyone around the pavilion was glowing.
I would love to have a list of the people that attended the FREE concert in Piedmont Park after that Festival with Spirit, Chicago Transit Authority, Delaney and Bonnie and Friends (including Dave Mason and others), and THE GREATFUL DEAD. That was the seminal moment.- Robin Conant
Delaney and Bonnie & Friends start off the afternoon.
Very nice. I can tell you why there was no one there at 1:00PM. The performers who stayed after the last night of the Pop Festival were all invited to “The River House” a rather infamous hippie house on Riverside Drive. Quite a few made the trip, including “The Dead” Those memories are a bit fuzzy, so I’m not sure who all was there. I vaguely remember sitting outside on the ground watching the sun come up and singing folk songs with Jerry Garcia playing acoustic guitar. Seems like there was a bunch of people making music, but I couldn’t swear who was there. John Ivey & Ricky Bear, local studio musicians, lived nearby on the river. They may have been there; possibly Barry Bailey. Barry played a lot with John & Ricky. Studio work and just local jams. This was when “The Joint Effort” was changing its name to the Atlanta Rhythm Section. A PR decision. Anyhow, no one woke up before late afternoon and that threw the free concert behind schedule.
If you hear from John Ivey or anyone else from the River House, please let me know.
If you were there, what are YOUR experiences
One of the greatest nights of my life. I was so happy to find this site, it really wasn’t a dream after all
Great site, i was raised across from piedmont park, dont forget all the free Allman Bros concerts
Muito legal
Apesar de não entender quase nada
Mais os nomes citados dizem tudo
Desculpem por não saber falar inglês
Sou brasileiro do Rio de Janeiro
Um abraço
Although I understand almost nothing
Plus the names mentioned say it all
Sorry for not knowing how to speak English
I’m Brazilian from Rio de Janeiro
A hug
Muita paz e amor ❤️
Nessa hora
I was there , it was electric! A great time ,also was on the scene at the pop festival