Saved from the Expressway, BOND neighborhoods flourished and Little Five Points or L5P became counter-culture downtown for a while. Patti Kakes Kunkle ran Identified Flying Objects with husband John David, both of whom were Frisbee Grand Masters. Their shop carried Grateful Dead and tie-dye items plus lots od discs for disc golf and frisbee plus kites and anything that flew. Patti knows EVERYONE in L5P and was unanimously named The Queen of Little Five Points.

Every Halloween L5P has a big parade to let the collective freak flags fly. You can see videos of them on youtube under the Queen of Little Five Points

2019 meet-the-generation-of-atlantans-who-helped-make-little-five-points-what-it-is-today
I wanted to leave my own story but mine is a bit later but probably interacted with someone who was known in the community.
In 1981, I had graduated from High School and about to be sent off into the USMC (bummer). I was vacationing in FL and met a guy who was throwing Frisbees. I had thrown them a bit before but not much. He really started a lifelong love affair with the discs. His name was Diago Darshi (I know its probably misspelled). He was a very cool dude and not like most adults I knew, very laid back. He talked about this place called I.F.O where all sorts of discs could be purchased. He sent me a catalog from them (which I still have). After I got out of the military, I took a trip up there. I attempted to locate him, his house was a mile or so away. The operator of I.F.O said that they thought he had passed. Quite the bummer, but I will never forget the guy. Probably more influence in a short amount of time than anybody. Well I bought several discs and even a Disc Golf disc even though I only played catch and freestyle. I still have that disc and have started playing Disc Golf a few months ago, the sport is really building!!!, the putter I have is somewhat of a collectible now and always gets noticed, I don’t play it though since it is still in near perfect condition.
That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it, Bill Bowser Peace, Love, Peace, Love….