Before there was an internet, people had to scour old books to find skills and items abandoned to time. The movement to do it yourself extended to urban and communal living. Stewart Brand recognized this need for information and created the Whole Earth Catalog, access to Tools. It fed your head with ideas and tools with which to accomplish dreams. Stewart was part of the early silicon valley modem bulletin board that connected major universities with Darpa connections and became the progenitor of the web.
By the way the committee to set standards to ease communications that became the internet WAS chaired by Al Gore.
Light shows and concerts advanced the technology of live performances with items like monitors (Thanks to Owsley) and better amplification.
Hippies loved novelty and new toys, but had a love-hate relationship with technology, fearing the plastic disposable society would make them Plastic People. Some turned their back on all technology and moved to rural communes that ran like the 19th century or earlier.

But others gathered in grarages to make screens that showed colors in response to music, or made blueboxes to defeat long-distance charges and went on to found Apple Computer.