George was arrested for identifying a narc in Piedmont Park. Meanwhile…There was a police riot.

We were lucky enough to get George to sit and tell us the story behind his part in what became a police riot. He was also on ‘the scene’ from the early days and sheds a lotta light. Listen in…
All recordings copyright the strip project
Names on The Strip
People on The Strip
the Police Riot
Stores on The Strip
Strip art
Tight Squeeze area
The Strip name
Hip community area
Atlanta musicians
14th Street Theater
George’s worst experience
Age Amaze
It was Charlie Westerfield who died early, 1970ish, not Steve. His funeral was at the Catholic Church near the Domino/Imperial.
John ans Steve Westerfield were brotbers. Charlie was not a Westerfield. Steve Westerfield died early on and as far as we can tell, John is still hangin in tnere. Charlie’s last name is somewhere in here. It comes now and again when I think about him from those times.
Where can I find the poster they talk about with Steve Westerfield in it?
I went to high school with John & knew his older brother Steve. They were both amazing guitar players. Steve died from an OD I recall and John had hard drug problems when we lost touch in the early 70’s. I sometimes think about his guitar playing and it never fails to bring a smile.
George Dockray
Vancouver BC