Bongo, Peter Jenkins, was Atlanta’s digger who fed the masses in Piedmont Park, ran crash pads for transient kids, and mediated between bikers and hippies.
He has some interesting tales.
All recordings copyright the strip project
Hello from Bongo!
An outside agipotato
Coming to Georgia from Texas
Feeding the people
Reverend Bongo
The Zoo 8th at Penn

Bongo the biker
Bongo Busted!
Hard Drugs
The Strip rules
Tree Climbers International
The Allman Brothers
Bongo meets Gov. Maddox
Chit -chat
Peter’s new life

This is beyond fascinating, it is kind of blowing my mind. I was wondering if Miller Francis was saying that he is gay now. And I thought it was interesting that, in the sections I listened to, there was no discussion of Maoism or the lines on the gay question that were part of the Maoist movement.
I think it would be great if Miller wrote not only a novel (I saw a mention on the CNN page that he is doing that), but also a memoir.
My warm regards to Miller, and I would be interested in hearing from him if that is at all possible, you are welcome to give my email address to him.
Bill Martin